Old Capital Bonus Segment: Command Authority with Lane Beene - “How can you lower your RISK EXPOSURE when investing in apartments?”

Lane Beene is with Pilot Properties and owns almost 700 apartment units. This recently retired Lt. Colonel graduated from the US Air Force Academy and flew combat F16’s for over 28 years. Less than 15 years ago, he started with one single family home and turned that into a large multi-million dollar apartment portfolio…all during the time he was serving in the military. He is direct. He is smart. You need to listen to him if you are new to real estate investing.
Risk. In life we all face some amount of risk. Risk should come with a reward. Too much risk exposure…could have detrimental affect on you and your investment. Risk can be analyzed, calculated and adjusted. In the podcast today, Lane discusses how to correctly understand risk. Longer Time, Lower Leverage, & Having a Cash Cushion can help to reduce risk.
To contact Lane Beene: Lane.Beene@pilot-legacy.com

Old Capital Bonus Segment: Command Authority with Lane Beene - “To make BIG MONEY in real estate…you must know some Basic Math Equations!”

Lane Beene is with Pilot Properties and owns almost 700 apartment units. This recently retired Lt. Colonel graduated from the US Air Force Academy and flew combat F16’s for over 28 years. Less than 15 years ago, he started with one single family home and turned that into a large multi-million dollar apartment portfolio…all during the time he was serving in the military. He is direct. He is smart. You need to listen to him if you are new to real estate investing.
Lane is an expert in math- he had to be. As you can imagine, Lane needed math in flying fighter jets. Think of the calculations that Lane used in aviation: How many gallons of fuel did he burn in one hour; what’s the max weight (bombs) could his aircraft hold? How fast could he get to his target? Life comes down to JAMP. Yes, ‘Just A Math Problem.’ The better you are in math, the more successful you will become in real estate. Whether you are flying fighter jets or investing in apartments; you must know some level of math. Lane breaks down five investing equations that are critical to your success. Cash on Cash Yield, Total Return, Cash Flow, Internal Rate of Return and Equity Multiple are discussed.

To contact Lane Beene: Lane.Beene@pilot-legacy.com

ASK MIKE MONDAYS - Michael, before I push over a LETTER OF INTENT to the seller’s rep; how in-depth should I go with my lender?

Investors are counting on your underwriting to make a prudent decision to invest with you. How confident are you in your transaction underwriting and loan sizing? Who is checking your math? Before you submit an LOI…and possibly RISK your earnest money and reputation, make sure you speak with an apartment LENDER to have them check your math.

Old Capital Bonus Segment: Command Authority with Lane Beene - “What type of investor do you want to become; DEAL SPONSOR or LIMITED PARTNER; VALUE ADDED or YIELD?”

Lane Beene is with Pilot Properties and owns almost 700 apartment units. This recently retired Lt. Colonel graduated from the US Air Force Academy and flew combat F16’s for over 28 years. Less than 15 years ago, he started with one single family home and turned that into a large multi-million dollar apartment portfolio…all during the time he was serving in the military. He is direct. He is smart. You need to listen to him if you are new to real estate investing.
In this podcast Lane shares his personal journey on how he became a millionaire apartment investor. With a full time and demanding job in the military, he started by educating himself on real estate investing first. He read articles online and listened to podcasts that focused on apartment investing. He began with a limited pot of investable dollars. During this time, Lane began aggressively networking with other investors. He went to many MeetUp’s and real estate net working events. He also joined a local real estate mentoring group. Over a period of time he became confident…that he purchased his first small 23 unit apartment building. One building, became a few and now, Lane owns several apartment buildings. Its not a race…its a journey!

ASK MIKE MONDAYS - Michael, how long does it take to be educated, prepared and confident to become a deal sponsor?

Successful investors send back road maps to folks following them. Michael, discusses some steps that you need to follow. How do you go faster? Having the right mentor can significantly reduce the time it takes to go faster. Learn from educators that have real life experience in apartment investing will help you from making bad and costly mistakes.

Episode 198 - 4th Quarter Loan Officer Roundtable

A fortune cookie once said, “May you live in interesting times!” Today, in the capital markets, we live in interesting times. Your biggest partner in an apartment transaction is the lender. The lender brings to the table about 70-80% of the funds you need to close on your apartment. You want to know what is working and not working for apartment lending. We sit down with the loan officers at Old Capital to discuss all types of lending opportunities. Is Fannie & Freddie still lending? Should you consider a Bridge loan to get higher leverage? Are some syndicators having problems in raising investors money? If rates are going to be low for a while…should you consider an adjustable rate? A great discussion to listen to.

To contact James: JEng@oldcapitallending.com
To contact Ricardo: RHinojosa@oldcapitallending.com
To contact John: JBrickson@oldcapitallending.com

Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn more about Michael Becker’s Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory LLC.