UPDATE: Hear it directly from the LENDERS and the APPRAISERS!

Old Capital had a conference call with hundreds of our borrowers last Friday. They, like you, wanted to know what is going on within the capital markets. How do you underwrite apartment transactions today? What are the new guidelines on replacement reserves? How are values holding up? Is it time to start buying again? We brought together the representatives from Dougherty Mortgage, a large balance Fannie Mae lender and Sabal Capital, a Small Balance Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lender. We spoke with their representatives on underwriting, asset management and the future of the capital markets with Fannie and Freddie. Listen to this podcast.

To contact Ricardo Hinojosa: RHinojosa@OldCapitalLending.com

Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn more about Michael Becker’s Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory LLC.

Coronavirus Impact on Multifamily- Stimulus Program PPP vs. EIDL

These are crazy times, huh? The economy went from going 100 miles
an hour… to ZERO. Now, our government is trying to get small business owners back to work. The SBA offers the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (“EIDL”).
What should you know? What are some of the benefits and challenges for both programs? James “The Professor” Eng shares with us the initial overview of both programs.

To watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPrsYVBCPwM
To contact James Eng: JEng@oldcapitallending.com

Old Capital Bonus Segment: Command Authority with Lane Beene- “In the future, how will the Coronavirus-change us as apartment investors and operators?”

Lane Beene is with Pilot Properties and owns almost 700 apartment units. This recently retired Lt. Colonel graduated from the US Air Force Academy and flew combat F16’s for over 28 years. Less than 15 years ago, he started with one single family home and turned that into a large multi-million dollar apartment portfolio…all during the time he was serving in the military. He is direct. He is smart. You need to listen to him if you are new to real estate investing.

Lane Beene discusses his insight and vision on what tenants will expect post-Covid 19 pandemic. What can you expect for future rent increases? How will your tenants interact with management, maintenance and other tenants? Ask your tenants, on how they want to be treated. Find out what your tenants expect from their landlord post Covid 19; it will determine how successful you will be on keeping those paying tenants.

To contact Lane Beene: Lane.Beene@pilot-legacy.com

Coronavirus Impact on Multifamily - $2T Stimulus Update and Trammell Crow Lessons Learned from 1989

Don’t you wish you knew 6 months ago…what you know today?
What would you have done different? Would you do recourse commercial loans? Would you do higher leverage transactions? Would you raise more liquidity? James “The Professor” Eng goes into detail on what lessons commercial real estate investors learned on the last major melt down in 1989. This is a very interesting podcast that you will learn a few key lessons.

To watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMN3jJZo6GU
To contact James Eng: JEng@oldcapitallending.com

Episode 205 - Interest rate update from JP Conklin at Pensford Financial. What you need to know!

Who has money to lend on real estate these days? CMBS, Fannie, Freddie, regional banks?
When the economy grinds to a halt; who lends money on commercial real estate? Are transactions actually being done? JP Conklin advises commercial real estate investors on the direction of interest rates. His group, Pensford Financial Group helps investors reduce interest rate risk. JP Conklin discusses pressures that many “securitized” lenders are challenged with right now.

To contact JP CONKLIN: pensford.com

To read JP Conklin’s most current newsletter: https://www.pensford.com/why-flattening-the-curve-is-overrated/

Are you interested in learning more about how Multifamily Syndications work? Please visit www.spiadvisory.com to learn more about Michael Becker’s Real Estate Syndication business with SPI Advisory LLC.

How has the COVID 19 effected commercial real estate valuations?

Jeremy Roll has been investing in commercial real estate for over 18 years. He is an 100% passive investor and has invested in over a hundred different partnerships. He is a very savvy investor and has a well thought out perspective. (He is as sharp as they come.) In this podcast, James “The Professor” Eng discusses the challenges that commercial real estate investors will face with COVID 19. What will its impact be on real estate valuations and the general economy?

You must listen to this podcast!

To contact Jeremy Roll: JRoll@Rollinvestments.com
To contact James Eng: JEng@oldcapitallending.com

To Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elxzcXUXDgk&t=125s

Surviving Scary Times with the Coronavirus in Multifamily

Today, you need direction and confidence to handle the Scary Times ahead in multifamily real estate. James “The Professor” Eng discusses Dan Sullivan’s “Scary Times Success Manual.”
James gives you 10 simple tips that you should follow. It can be tempting to focus only on surviving through difficult times, but with these tips in mind, we’re confident you can keep on thriving. Right now, that means providing the leadership you need to navigate successfully through the current global climate and combatting any feelings of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty.

To contact James Eng: JEng@oldcapitallending.com

To watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19e82oh3Ya8