Episode 178 - Second Quarter 2019: Apartment Loan Officer Roundtable

What’s WORKING or NOT WORKING…in the capital markets. Old Capital commercial loan officers-James Eng, Dave Walls and John Brickson discuss what is happening in apartment lending. Paul Peebles relays an important story about the possible financial impact of the “NEW” SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION’s- NO MATCH letter verifying authenticity of your employee’s social security number. This could be challenging for the employee, the employer, and the tenant in your building. What happens to labor costs and apartment occupancy if undocumented employees lose jobs? John Brickson and Dave Walls chat about competitive advantages in buying apartment buildings today. James “the professor” Eng reminds us 1) expect rejection and learn from every ‘no’ 2) hire advisors like your life depends on it 3) you will have to do things- that don’t scale. Great insight from James.

Save the Date: 2019 Old Capital Conference - October 24-25 in Dallas, Texas

NPR Article on the NO MATCH LETTER: https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/707931619/social-security-administration-plans-to-revive-no-match-letters

Contact: James Eng JEng@OldCapitalLending.com
Dave Walls DWalls@OldCapitalLending.com
John Brickson JBrickson@OldCapitalLending.com

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